Architectural Design

Challenging + Inventive

Understanding our ageing population and future needs we believe that design for care should focus on longevity, sustainability and functionality. Above all building designs need to be aspirational and beautiful. Why would you choose to live anywhere that is not?

Our services:

Carless + Adams design care homes to create inspiring communal settings where care and nursing, plus accommodation, is provided. All facilities are bespoke designed and built with residents and care givers needs in mind. We understand home environments have huge impact on individuals’ wellbeing and design for this.

Building on the fundamentals of care homes, designing for dementia care considers the additional needs of residents to ensure that they feel integrated rather than separated by dementia. Awareness within our designers of the impacts of dementia on cognitive function and sensory impairment, ensures that our designs are created to enhance resident’s experience.

IRC’s offering independent living with facilities available to provide wellbeing, flexibility, lifestyle choices, community interaction and care services all on one site. Understanding that older adults are choosing to right size at an age when they can enjoy their retirement, enables us to design for this age bracket by helping to create aspirational and inspirational communities that are a joy to live in.

Independent living in an apartment that offers scope for increased needs through ageing, through the provision of a second bedroom where a live in carer may reside when the assistance is needed.

Designing for an onsite provision of a healthcare centre at a later living location provides a facility for the benefit of the whole community. This has proven to increase social interaction between differing age groups which brings positive physical and emotional wellbeing.

For those with a range of rare and complex health conditions, expert and informed design is required to ensure that all considerations of how residents and their care givers use and live in the space is considered.

Within the UK we have some fantastic period buildings that are used for care. Due to their age of the structure there is often a need for refurbishment or extension to bring the care offering up to meet required standards, without removing the beauty of the property. Carless + Adams has experience of working in this field and as architects it is a joy to see such architecture in use.

Experience of working within The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Very Special Circumstances cases, alongside Local Planning Authorities, ensure that any Carless + Adams designs created for the Green Belt meets regulations and also client’s requirements. This knowledge extends to Brownfield Sites.

The precious nature of buildings or structures that are designated heritage assets adds to the considerations around design and development. If deemed a Heritage Asset, the building or structures significance has been noted and held indefinitely for the benefit of present and future generations. Carless + Adams has experience of such sensitive design and the complex planning decision process for Heritage Assets. This also applies to Non-Designated Heritage Asset (NDHA).

A conservation area is of special architectural or historical interest, and due to this the character, appearance or setting must be preserved or enhanced. Carless + Adams has experience working with Local Planning Authorities, and where relevant Historic England, to guarantee these elements are considered. We’re architects after all – we’re all about the beauty of buildings!

Let’s chat about your project.Get in touch today