Like all businesses across the globe we have been monitoring the Coronavirus and now feel it would be sensible to put some cautionary measures in place to protect both our team here at Carless and Adams and our wider community of colleagues and clients.
As the government advice is currently ‘contain and delay’, the measures we are looking to trial are proactive rather than reactive. It is worth noting that at this stage no-one in the business has become unwell nor has anyone knowingly been in contact with someone who is being tested or contaminated.
From Monday 16th March the business will split in to 2 groups for a 2 week trial period to enable half the business to always be working in the office and the remaining half to be working from home.
The groups have been organised to ensure we have a mixture of Designers and Technicians to ensure continuity of service to our clients and systems have been put in place to ensure all members of the team will be contactable by you through the normal routes of the main desk telephone number of 01628 665131 and the group or individual email address’.
Any member of the team feeling unwell at any stage will follow the government guidelines advising self-isolation.
Meetings and site visits will be assessed on a meeting by meeting basis, discussed with the client in advance of the meeting date, as we look to align with a number of our clients in limiting face to face meetings wherever possible.
In summary the below action will be followed by our team with immediate effect
Travel and health
• if you or any of your family have recently returned to the UK from any of the high risk or named areas/regions/countries, they should self-isolate, call NHS 111 and notify me immediately even if they do not have symptoms
• If you or any of your family are diagnosed with Coronavirus or have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus, they must notify me immediately, so we can follow the public health guidance and protocols in place at that time
• If we were to have a confirmed case of Coronavirus, we will follow the public health guidance and protocols in place at that time
• if you are feeling unwell with even mild cold/flu symptoms, please talk to me before coming into work
Clean and Hygienic Workplaces
• People must now more regularly and thoroughly wash their hands throughout the day with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser- this must be always when arriving at or leaving any of our premises or locations, before and after eating and before making a drink
• We have also reiterated the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ public health advice, again followed by handwashing, whenever people sneeze or cough. Please use and safely bin your tissue
• Our external cleaners are ensuring the highest use areas – e.g., door handles, light switches etc – are thoroughly and hygienically cleaned – this is in addition to normal cleaning routines. We are also liaising with our cleaners to use appropriate cleaning products which will help minimise the virus spread.
Like everyone, we are continuing to monitor public health advice and will adapt our working practices as the situation evolves. If anyone has any concerns about any of the above please speak with me directly.
Kind regards
Melissa Magee
Managing Director