Fosse House

Feasibility proposals for the redevelopment of a former 42-bed care home, including a masterplan for a new GP surgery, pharmacy, and an 80-bed care home offering a mix of residential, dementia, nursing, and respite care services.


Proposal for a replacement care home with the demolition of the existing 40 bed Nursing home, offering specialised nursing and dementia care for 60 residents.


Planning application for the proposal of an 80-bedroom specialist dementia care home to replace the existing 60-bed facility on site. This scheme is designed to blend seamlessly with its surroundings and aims to enhance the quality of accommodation, surpassing industry standards.


Design and development of a 77-bed care home, designed as a part of care offering that also includes 53 retirement living apartments, providing specialist nursing and dementia care.

Castle Club


An interior refit of a stunning Grade II listed building, integrated with a modern extension,  provides a 33 bed care home providing specialist nursing and dementia care.

Steamer Quay

Steamer Quay

A new 68 bed care home with additional requirements for specialist nursing and dementia facilities.

Parsons Grange

The design of a new 68-bed residential, nursing and specialist dementia care home.

Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Court

A state-of-the-art assisted living community with 45 care bedrooms and 60 assisted living apartments that offers exemplary communal living areas including a cinema, tea bar and health & fitness suite.