Health and Safety CSCS Cards

June 30, 2020|In Latest Blog

Despite the temporary interruption to the industry caused by the global Coronavirus pandemic, that has demanded a temporary suspension of construction on many sites in the UK, Carless + Adams has maintained CPD and ensured that we are keeping up to date with the current health and safety requirements for being on a construction site.

Everyone deserves to live in a building that is safely designed and constructed so they can feel safe and secure, especially so when you have made the positive decision to move to supporting living or a care home. Unfortunately there are a few high profile cases, where building regulations have not been followed, that often make the headlines. Generally, as an industry however, from conceptualisation to completion, there are rigid regulations in place for all involved to adhere too.

Despite the temporary interruption to the industry caused by the global Coronavirus pandemic, that has demanded a temporary suspension of construction on many sites in the UK, Carless + Adams has maintained CPD and ensured that we are keeping up to date with the current health and safety requirements for being on a construction site.

Carless + Adams encourages all team members to obtain a CSCS (Construction Skills Certificate Scheme) Card and to keep it up to date. The card provides proof that the individuals working on construction sites have the appropriate training and qualifications for the job that they do on site. It also aims to help in improving standards and safety on UK construction sites. It is not a legal requirement but a vast majority of sites do require them, and we value their contents. In addition, Carless + Adams is a RIBA Chartered Practice. This indicates that we are able to demonstrate our knowledge on quality management, environmental management, health and safety, employment and equality level for the benefit for our clients. It is a standard we are proud to have achieved and consistently strive to maintain

Normally, sitting the test for our CSCS Card has been a seamless event however the pandemic has also put this on hold. Fortunately Carless + Adams were one of the first companies through the centre doors to complete the test and continue our clients’ work uninterrupted. Dan Platt, our CDM advisor, has maintained this accreditation and in accordance with Government regulations on social distancing in the workplace, is the only Carless + Adams employee visiting continuing projects. Continuing this communication between the architect design and technology team and the construction team is invaluable to ensuring projects run aligned to plans, on budget and crucially on time, ensuring that that residents can move into their new homes as agreed to start enjoying further their elderly years with the support, ease of living and attractive environment that they deserve.

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