Rosewell House
Project Brief
Manage the second phase of works, replacing an existing care home with a new care home and extra care apartments. All accommodation to provide a high standard of living and communal accommodation with a wide array of facilities.
Completed in May 2018, the final design consists of 59 self-contained, one and two-bedroom apartments, 24 of which are for purchase through Older Persons Shared Ownership (OPSO), the remaining will be available for rent.
Sunny landscaped gardens, maintained woodland, and distinctive elevations with large glazed openings maximise sunlight penetration into the building. The proposed new facility is a prime example of collective living and care for the elderly.
The construction whilst traditional in appearance incorporated the use of a thin joint Silka block system which reduced the construction programme and provided the opportunity to broaden the knowledge base within the office.
Care South
RIBA Stages 0-5
Completed 2017
60 Care Bedrooms 14 Apartments 4 Bungalows
"We were very happy with Carless & Adams throughout the project and appreciated all the work that they did in creating an environment everyone wants to live in and maximising the use of functional space while incorporating changes and ensuring buildability. Residents, families and staff are very complementary about the scheme which looks great and meets everyone’s requirements very well.”