Recognising Excellence with Graham Care

November 16, 2022|In Carless + Adams

Last week Melissa Magee and Neil Rutland were fortunate enough to attend the Graham Care Awards dinner. This unique awards ceremony is run internally by Graham care to recognise their exemplary person-centred care that helps transform lives of people with dementia or the elderly who require physical assistance. Winners were nominated by residents, family and carers across every aspect of the business. Having a long standing collaboration for over 15 years with Graham Care, Carless + Adams attended as their guests.
The passion we feel for the care industry was reflected by everyone in the room and being able to chat to those who live and work in buildings that Carless + Adams has designed reaffirmed why we do what we do!
#lovewhatyoudo #architects #carehome #integratedretirementcommunity #dementiacare #careasachoice #RIBA #awards #recognition 

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