RIBA Covid-19 advice

RIBA Covid-19 advice

The RIBA is working hard to provide its members with information and tools required to help architects navigate through the Covid-19 pandemic. 

From lobbying government on the key issues that matter, to providing practical advice on practice resilience and remote working, the RIBA are tailoring their plans and tactics to respond to members’ feedback and supporting them every step of the way. 

As members of the RIBA Carless + Adams is continually making use of the resources available to us to ensure that we keep up to date with the current situation. Some of the topics that have been covered include leadership, finance and business, cybersecurity, marketing, and articles on how practices are planning on surviving through the next few months. The guidance has enabled us to gather an insight into how the industry as a whole is responding to the pandemic.

For us, maintaining our collaborative teamwork and communication has been vital, with interactive exchanges happening on a daily basis through video calls on Microsoft Teams. This allows us to communicate well and simulate the working office environment as much as possible, enabling us to continue working together successfully. We have also set up more informal social video chats through the software on a weekly basis to help continue our sense of camaraderie as a team and support the wellbeing of our staff.

Our vision of providing the care sector with quality care homes, retirement villages and assisted accommodation is one of our top priorities and we continue to contribute to the sector even through these difficult times. We are all looking forward to returning to the office after the pandemic to reunite as a team, and we will be looking to take on board some of the positive lessons learned from the experience to assist us in the future development of the business.

Call us today for a no obligation chat about your project.